Tukarica Lodge Leadership Development

Lodge Leadership Development (LLD)
Registration is Free to all Lodge Members.
Please R.S.V.P by December 5, 2025, so we may ensure everyone gets a nice hot lunch.
LINK: Please R.S.V.P. for LLD 2025
Lodge Leadership Development is the primary training program for the Tukarica Lodge, providing lodge leadership with the skills needed to plan and run a successful lodge program. The LLD program is designed to equip the Tukarica Lodge with the tools to stimulate creative ideas and develop lasting solutions that will enable and enhance growth.
Training is a key part of the Order of the Arrow program. Through the wide variety of available trainings, new members can learn how to take advantage of the opportunities available to them, youth leaders can learn how to run a successful lodge or chapter, advisers can learn how to support and guide the youth, and any member can learn more about the rich history and broad scope of the Order of the Arrow. Training is how we communicate tried-and-true methods of running a quality program and prepare the next generation to take on the leadership of our multifaceted Order.
What Arrowmen Have Been Saying:
"This class was the most informative Scouting course I have ever attended! Thank you all SO much for providing this opportunity."
"Fabulous experience. More, way more than I expected... Terrific Instructors. Very well done."
"The instructors bring amazing perspective as they are success stories of the OA and have first hand knowledge of the benefits of the program and what an advisor can give them. Top notch program."
"Outstanding material paired with outstanding presenters makes for an outstanding course."