Alumni Groups

                           REGISTRATION IS COMING SOON! 

The Mountain West Council has launched four new Council wide Alumni Groups:

The Mountain West Council is thrilled to announce that we are GATHERING OUR SCOUT FAMILY and ALUMNI!

Under the direction of the Council Key Three and the Council VP of Alumni, each of four new Alumni groups will form a volunteer leadership team to assist with recruitment and planning activities for their respective group. Any group member can help in the group.

The group leadership teams, and the Council VP of Alumni will comprise the Council Alumni Committee and coordinate throughout the Council. Funds from the memberships or sale of the patches will be allocated to and managed by each Alumni group. We would like to see alumni groups active in all three Districts as soon as possible.

The following are the four Council Alumni groups: 

Eagle Nest – Any Eagle Scout from any Council or any year is eligible to join. REGISTRATION LINK

Silver Beaver ColonyAny Silver Beaver from any Council or any year is eligible to join. REGISTRATION LINK

Wood Badge Gilwell Society – Anyone who has completed the classroom portion of Wood Badge or completed your ticket is eligible to join regardless of where or when you took the class. REGISTRATION LINK

Scouts and Friends – Literally anyone can join, if you were a scout, a parent, a friend, or anyone who wants to support Scouting. REGISTRATION LINK

Please see the patch designs above for each group

Each group's membership shall include the following:

1) The annual cost to be an “Annual Member” of any group is $20.00 per year and you get a collector’s special Council Alumni Shoulder patch for the group you join. You can then buy future patches as they become available and as you maintain your membership.

2) Become a “Charter Member” of a group by contributing $100.00, and you will be a member for three years and get the first AND second collectors issue patches free.

3) Become a “Lifetime Member” of a group by contributing $200.00, and you will be a member for life and get the first, second and third edition collectors patches free.

All memberships will be able to enjoy the Alumni activities throughout the year, and you will receive the Council Alumni Newsletter. The Mountain West Council Alumni Committee will send out annual reminders for annual or Charter membership dues. As an Alumni group member you can wear the patch proudly on your uniform! Join as many groups as you qualify to join! Get your friends, family and fellow scouts to join!

We want to gather all those who have been touched by Scouting!

If you have any questions about any of these new alumni groups please contact Jim Borchers, Council VP , Alumni at