Advancement & Recognition


Internet Advancement  

Effective Immediately, Internet Advancement is now accessed through  This change applies to packs, troops, crews and ships.  Posts are not affected.

To access internet advancement, you must be registered as a Chartered Organization Representative, Committee Chair, Crew Advisor, Scoutmaster, Cubmaster or Unit Advancement Chair.

How to Access Internet Advancement 2.0

Login to your account, this is where you took youth protection training.  If you do not know your login information, please call 972-580-2489, 9am-5pm Central time.

  • From the menu scroll to Legacy Web Tools and click on it.
  • Scroll to Internet Advancement 2.0
  • If you cannot access Internet Advancement 2.0, please call 208 376-4411
  • If you are using Scoutbook, you do not need to access Internet Advancement 2.0.
How to Assign Functional Positions in

The key 3* in your unit are the only ones with the roles to assign functional positions.

*The key 3 are Chartered Organization Representative, Committee Chair, Crew Advisor, Scoutmaster, Cubmaster.

  1. Go to and sign in. (This is where you took youth protection training.)
  2. Click on the Menu button on the upper left side of the screen.  A drop-down list will appear.
  3. Choose Security Organization Manager from the drop-down list and then choose the unit.
  4. A new web page will appear and on the right side of the page is a list of functional positions, click on Unit Advancement Chair.
  5. Click on the green plus sign and a popup window will appear.
  6. Click on the down arrow that is next to the person field to make a list of names appear.
  7. Click on the name of who you want to be Unit Advancement Chair.
  1. If the person who you are wanting to assign to the Unit Advancement Chair position is not on the list, he/she needs to be registered.

Eagle Scout Rank Application

  • Applicants for the rank of Eagle must use the current Eagle Scout rank application. It additionally requires the name of the Eagle Scout project and the grand total of hours devoted to it. Please download the latest application from the National forms page.  

Eagle Project Info & Forms:

Rank advancement requirements and information, including the Eagle Packet, are available for download at the National BSA Forms Page 

Merit Badge Counselor Forms