Dan Johnson Memorial Merit Badge Clinic
3200 Cassia St.
Boise, ID 83705
Register here:
Dan Johnson was a proud member of BSA Troop 11 in Boise. He loved Scouting and he dedicated himself to promoting Citizenship. Troop 11 will be hosting this Merit Badge Clinic to honor him.
Register to attend the Dan Johnson Memorial MB Clinic - Hosted by Troop 11 The cost is $10 per Scout per session. Please bring your $10 on the day of the Clinic (there is NO pre payment for this event).
The Clinic will be held at the LDS church on 3200 Cassia St. The clinic will be on Saturday, February 25th, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Please remember to bring a water bottle and a snack if you need it (no food will be provided).
4 Merit Badges are being offered this year. There are 30 slots available for each. Some may require prerequisite work to complete the badge.
Citizenship in Society - Citizenship in the World - Citizenship in the Community - Communications
Please review the available clinic slots and click on the button to sign up for the session you would like to join. Then review the current merit badge requirements for your session. It would also be helpful to bring a pen and paper with you.
If you have any questions, please contact R.D. Hill at (208)703-5474. Thank you!